Does 1.1 1.1 Make your Internet faster? since DNS requests are required for all internet website requests, using 1.1. 1.1 will speed up your internet access everywhere on the internet. I should make a how to because this helped my internet a lot where im in a place that has vary bad internet so i well post how to do it here step by step Everyone can do this first 1. In windows 10 open up the setting
2. go to networking and internet
3. click on change adapter options
4. In network connection select your connection and click the change setting of this connection or right click it and go to properties.
or for right click option
5. once in settings select internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and hit properties Navigate to Internet Protocol Version 4 or Version 6 depending on your network configuration mine was v4
6. click "use the following DNS server addresses:" and type in preferred DNS server: and in alternate DNS server :