How to install StreamFX plugin OBS For releases: For OBS projects: GitHub link: 1. To get started download the plugin stream effects from click the source code url or the go to download.
2. If you clicked the get hub source you well need to fined releases on the page and click it.
3. if you clicked the go download scroll down to the download.
4. At the vary bottom click the download windows version.
5. It well start to download.
6. Once its downloaded click open.
7. You well be prompted with a windows protected your pc this is fine click more info.
8. After you click more info you well be give the option to run anyways.
9. After it's installed it well have a menu in obs at the top.
10. You well see them in filter as well.
11. For full list of filters.
12. Before and after installing the AfterFX for obs